Week 23 (22+2)

Now I'm alone again, Antti left yesterday. And I totally failed.. Didn't check the trains in advance since normally Stockholm-Västerås is every hour, but 16:53 there was no train. So we had to take 17:53, getting us to Stockholm at 18:53 which is 7 minutes before his check-in at the docks.. But it went good anyway, the train was early and I think he only checked in like 5 minutes late or so, and they didn't really care.

Then on my way home, I was going to take the 20:07 train. But nope, there was none. Nor a 21:07 train. So I was stuck in Stockholm until 22:07, waiting for the train, yay! So I fell aswell as soon as I got home, haha!

Oh well, during these weeks that I haven't been writing I've entered week 23 at least, going forward :)

You are in week 23.
You've completed 22 full weeks and 2 full days (v22+2).
You are in the 5:th calendarmonth.
You are in the 6:th pregnancymonth.
You are in trimester two.
You have 123 days left to go.

The days get less and less, soon under 100 days to go!<3

Now I'm gonna be a geek and play some wow, haha! Haven't played since I went to Finland basically. So a bit of ZA and ZG now, for those that know what it is :)

Take care, bye!


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