
Hey blog!

To make a long story short. I've wanted a baby for a long time, and Alex wanted to wait a bit. So, this december, he finally decided to try, he also wanted a baby! So we tried in december, without any expectations from my side to be honest.

So, moving on to the important stuffs (A)! This christmas-break I spent most of my time in Skåne with Alex, it was awesome<3 My period never came, and I honestly never thought I'd be pregnant, I wasn't feeling ill or had hurting breasts. The only thing I had was some "period"-pains and was a bit more tired than normally.

When I got home, I was sick of waiting, so I "forced" (He was pretty much volunteering to do it, actually!) a classmate of mine to buy a test out, you know, when you're a bit of a chicken like me :) So anyway, I took the test on Tuesday, and I think those were the longest 2 minutes ever, waiting for the control-line to show up, showing me if the test was successful or if it failed. I already saw the plus, but as long as the line wasn't showing up it wasn't a sure plus.

But then it showed up! I don't think I've ever been that chocked in my entire life to be honest. I just stood there and watched the test, thinking how it could be possible. I didn't feel pregnant at all, so it couldn't be?

But apparently it can, haha! I keep checking the pictures all the time, ensuring me there really was a plus there, and clearly, it is! Feels totally unreal, but also totally wonderful! :)


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